
Since it needs to be said: No! You may not use my works to train AI! That's theft!

From the Ashes

Chapter Two

A yawn split Lightseed’s jaws. Crowstar’s vigil, journeying to the Mooncave, her subsequent terror, and now the trek back had left her thoroughly drained. Blazestar padded along jauntily at her side: her ears angled forward and tail held high. Seemed she hadn’t been joking about being able to run back if need be.

Lucky, Lightseed thought with another yawn.

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Wolf Song

The wind changed direction. Vash tugged the end of his hair from his mouth. Sunlight penetrated the canopy of remaining leaves. He stepped between exposed tree roots, searching. He preferred new spots for each clutch. At length he came across a burrow: old and disused for most the season by the state of the entrance and stale air within.

Satchel in his lap, he took out each of the eight eggs one by one and set them inside. Safely stowed away, he looked for a suitable spread of twigs to cut for a screen. The wind shifted, bringing the sound of frantically pounding hooves.

Vash sped into the crook of the tree, bow in hand and arrow notched. A deer flew between the trunks. Hard on its heels raced a pair of wolves. The deer reared sharply, whirling to strike the nearest wolf. It fell with a yip. The other streaked under the flailing hooves and tore open the deer’s groin. The deer stumbled, legs trembling and eyes blown in terror. Vash’s arrow caught it in the throat.

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